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Sigrid Undset's Novels, Biographies and other Books

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Original titles listed first; English translations (where available) still in print listed second.

Fru Marta Oulie (novel, 1902). Marta Oulie (trans. Nunnally, Tiina). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Den lykkelige alder (short stories, 1908). The Happy Age

I graalynseninegen (play, 1908). In the Grey Light of Dawn.

Fortællinegen om Viga-Liot og Vigdis (novel, 1909). Gunnar’s Daughter (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). London: Penguin, 1998.

Ungdom (poetry, 1910). Youth.

Jenny (novel, 1911). Jenny (trans. Nunnally, Tiina). Hanover: Steerforth Press, 2001.

Fattige skjebner (short stories, 1912). Poor Fates.

VÃ¥ren (novel, 1914). The Spring

Fortællinger om Kong Arturo og ridderne av det runde bord (1915). Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Splinten av troldspeilet (stories, 1917). Images in a Mirror (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2020.

De kloge jomfruer (short stories, 1918). The Wise Virgins.

Kristen Lavransdatter: Kransen (novel, 1920). The Wreath (trans. Tiina Nunnally). London: Penguin, 1997.

Kristen Lavransdatter: Husfrue (novel, 1921). The Wife (trans. Tiina Nunnally). London: Penguin, 1999.

Kristen Lavransdatter: Korset (novel, 1922). The Cross (trans. Tiina Nunnally). London: Penguin, 2000.

Tre sagaer om Islandinger (stories, 1923). Three Sagas of Icelanders

Sankt Halvards liv, død og jertegn (biography, 1925). Saint Halvard’s Life, Death and Miracles

Olav Aundunssøn i Hestviken (novel, 1925). Published in two books as The Axe; The Snake Pit (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Vintage: London, 1994.

Olav Aundunssøn og hans born (novel, 1927). Published in two books as In the Wilderness; The Son Avenger (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Vintage: London, 1995.

Gymnadenia (novel, 1929). The Wild Orchid (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2019.

Den brennende busk (novel, 1930). The Burning Bush (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2019

Das Weihnachtswunder (story, 1930). The Miracle of Christmas.

Christmas and Twelfth Night (1932).

Ida Elisabeth (novel, 1932). Ida Elisabeth (trans. Chater, Arthur G.) San Francisco: Ignatius, 2011.

Ny række (biographies, 1933). Stages of the Road. Indiana: Christian Classics, 2012.

Elleve år (autobiographical novel, 1934). The Longest Years (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2020.

Den trofaste husfru (novel, 1936). The Faithful Wife.

Norske helgener (biographies, 1937). Saga of Saints.

Selvportretter og landskapsbilleder (essays, 1938). Men, Women and Places (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2019.

Madame Dorthea (novel, 1939). Madame Dorthea (trans. Chater, Arthur G.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2020.

Tilbake til fremtiden (essays, 1949). Return to the Future: An Escape to Freedom (trans. Næseth, Henriette C. K.). Providence: Cluny Media, 2019.

Lykkelige dager (children’s book, 1947). Happy Times in Norway (trans. Birkelan, Joran). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.

Sigurd and His Brave Companions (children’s book, 1943).

True and Untrue and other Norse Tales (children’s book, 1945).

Caterina av Siena (biography, 1951). Catherine of Siena (trans. Austin-Lund, Kate). San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2009.

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