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Essays and Articles (1930-1949)


Second part of the last post... During Undset’s American period there are quite a few articles she wrote and published in English; hence no Norwegian titles.


Hellig Olav, Norges konge

St Olaf, Norwegian King

Svar til en sogneprest

Answer to a Vicar

Ordet om ekteskapets uoppløselighet

A Word about the Indissolubility of Marriage


The Dictionary

Canterbury Tales


Hvis to og to var fem

If 2 + 2 = 5

Den hellige Angela av Merici

St Angela de Merici

En kvinnesakskvinne

A Feminist’s Woman

Ruth Suckow

Ruth Suckow (American novelist from Iowa)

Forord til G. K. Chesterton: Det evige menneske

Forward to The Everlasting Man, by G.K. Chesterton


Det evige menneske. Svar til museumsdirektør Frederik Poulsen

The Everlasting Man. Reply to Frederik Poulsen, Director of the New Carlsberg Museum, Copenhagen

Den neste kristenforfølgelse

The Next Persecution of Christians

Motgift mot rasehovmod

Antidote to Racial Pride

En gammel jordmors livserindringer

An Old Midwife’s Memoirs

Ungt ekteskap

Young Marriage

Legenden om Eires lilje

The Legend of Ireland’s Lily

Før jul

Before Christmas


Ramón Lull fra Palma

[Bl.] Raymond Lull of Palma

Forord til Etapper. Ny række

Forward to Stages: Second Part

Den sterkeste makt

The Strongest Power

Jonas Lie

Jonas Lie [Norwegian novelist and playright]

Til Selma Lagerlöf

To Selma Lagerlöf [Swedish novelist and Nobel Laureate]

Gösta at Geijerstam: Ingeniøren og hans hustru

The Engineer and his Wife, by Gösta at Geijerstam

St Eystein, erkebiskop av Nidaros

St Eystein, Archbishop of Nidaros [Trondheim]


Embede og anstøt. I anledning Arnulf Øverlands angrep på kristendommen

On the occasion of Arnulf Overland’s [Norwegian poet and artist] Attack on Christianity

Leo Weismantel

Leo Weismantel [German writer and pedagogue]

Monsignore dr. Karl Kjelstrup

Monsignor Dr Karl Kjelstrup [Parish Priest of Hamar, Norway]

Der brennende barn

The Burning Babe


Tale ved det fjerde nordiske forfattermøte i Helsingfors

Speech Given at the Fourth Nordic Writers’ Festival at Helsinki


Kalevala [Karelo-Finnish saga compiled in the nineteenth century]

Alfons Erb, et nytt tysk forfatternavn

Alfons Erb, A New Name in German Writing

St Thomas More og St John Fisher

St Thomas More and St John Fisher [martyrs of the English Reformation]



D.H. Lawrence

D.H. Lawrence [the English author and poet]

Tarjei Vesaas: Kvinnor roper heim

Women Calling Home, by Tarjei Vesaas [Norwegian Nynorsk author and poet]

Den hellige familie

The Holy Family


Fremskritt, rase, religion

Progress, Race and Religion

Cavalier. Dichtung und Wahrheit

Cavalier: Literature and Truth

Vesterledens munkevesen

Monasticism in Vesterleden [Sweden]

G.K. Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton [English Catholic convert, author and poet]

Forord til Aksel Sandemose: En fluktning krysser sitt spor

Forward to A Refugee Crosses his Tracks, by Aksel Sandemose [Danish-Norwegian essayist]

Sankt Svithun

St Swithun [Bishop of Winchester +863]

Hvordan jeg ble katolikk, og hvorfor jeg er det i dag

Why I became a Catholic, and Why I am still one Today

Crudelis Herodes

Crudelis Herodes [Vespers hymn for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Dec. 28]


Trosskiftet i Norge

Conversion in Norway

I St. Pauls fotspor. To strålende reisbøker

In the Steps of St Paul. Two Glorious Travelogues

Maria, Jesu mor og vår mor

Mary: Jesus’ Mother and Mine

Sally Salminen: Katrina

Katrina, by Sally Salminen [novelist from the Åland Islands]

Marie Bregendahl

Marie Bregendahl [Danish novelist]

Litt om vardøget, varsler og slikt

A Little about Prophecy, Warnings and Such



Margery Kempe fra Lynn

Margery Kempe of Lynn [English mystic +c.1438]

Ernst Thrasolt

Ernst Thrasolt [Nom de plume of Carl Sonnenschein, Catholic priest and poet +1929]

En henrivende diktsamling

A Treasury of Poems

François Mauriac: Jesu liv

The Life of Christ, by François Mauriac [French author, playwrite and journalist; Nobel Laureate]

Martha Østensvig: Gamle slekter

Old Families, by Martha Østensvig

Om å be med kirken

On Praying with the Church


Latinske hymner og sekvenser

Latin Hymns and Sequences

Léon Bloy

Léon Bloy [French novelist and Catholic apologist, +1917]

En kulturarv kan gå tapt

Cultural Heritage Can be Lost

Tale ved det svenske dikterbesøket i Oslo

Speech on the Swedish Poet’s Visit in Oslo

Regine Normann. In memoriam

Regine Normann in memoriam [Norwegian novelist and school teacher]

Ved Olav Duuns båre

By Olav Duun’s Stretcher

Kjære Johan Falkberget

Dear Johan Falkberget [Norwegian novelist, journalist and politician +1967]


The Parish Church

På pilegrimsferd

On Pilgrimage


Monastic Life

De falske ideologier

False Ideologies

Fred på jorden

Peace on Earth

Opplysninger og kommentaret

Information and Commentary


Finland fights for life - her own and that of Europe

Kristendommen og vår tid

Christianity and our Time

Moa Martinson

Moa Martinson [Swedish novelist and Labor politician, +1964]

Kjære landsmenn

Dear Compatriots

Kristendom og kjønnsmoral

Christianity and Sexual Morality

Min tante og presten hennes

My Aunt and her Priest


Norsk vårdag i april 1940

Norwegian Spring Day in April 1940

Kristendom og humanisme

Christianity and Humanism

Nordens stemme. Radiohilsen til venner i Sverige

Voice of the North: Radio Greetings to Friends in Sweden

The free spirit of the North

Kristen kultur

Christian Culture

Revolt i Norge

Revolt in Norway

Finland forever

Hedenskap og kristendom i islandsk middelalder

Paganism and Christianity in Medieval Iceland


The Reformation


Norway and Norwegian Americans

Vi står på felles grunn

We Stand on Common Ground

Det kulturelle Norge

Norwegian Culture

Kong Haakon, den høysinnede

King Haakon, the Noble

Katolske forfattere

Catholic Writers

Henrik Wergeland

Henrik Wergeland [Norwegian writer and poet, +1845]

Litteratur og krig

Literature and War

The crime against man’s spirit

“De hine”


The Bells

Mission to the North

De første nordmenn i Amerika

The First Norsemen in America


Arven vår fra Sola

Our Inheritance from the Sun

Norge i krig, i nyere amerikanske romaner

Norway at War, in Recent American Novels

The democracy of the Nordic people

Amerikansk litteratur

American Literature

Skandinavisk litteratur

Scandinavian Literature

Norway’s defiant clergy

Is Germany incurable?

Fighting disease

Beware of the hatred fo the wronged

The war criminals and the future

Fredrik Paasche in memoriam

Tale på Leif Eriksson-dagen

Speech on Leif Eriksson’s Day

King Olav

On Norwegian painting

In honour of Denmark and Sweden for their aid to Jewish refugees

Minner om barndommens bøker

Memories of Books from Childhood

The books that last forever


Rosemaling Culture

Torgils Arrbeinsstjup

“Min gate”

My Street


Munk in memoriam

Kan Munk in Memoriam [Danish playwrite]

Wild flowers in America

My American garden

Nordahl Grieg

Nordahl Grieg [Norwegian novelist, poet and political activist, +1943]

Skjønne Amerika

Beautiful America

Hemmed på Værskjei

Hemmed at Værskjei

We defy the Nazis



Om teater og musikk, sans for litteratur og kunst - i Norge og her

On Theatre and Music, Literary and Cultural Taste; in Norway and Here

On re-educating the Germans

Pot-war Scandinavia

Can force be justified?

We shall demand redress

Familen Rink. Hinrich J. Rink og Signe Rink

The Rink Family: Hinrich J. Rink [Danish geologist and Greenlandic administrator] and Signe Rink [Greenlandic writer]

The Bible and the common reader

Florida water


Christmas Birdfeed

Nytt år 1944

New Year’s, 1944


Will history repeat itself?

The influence of the Church of Norway

Av eventyrenes reiseeventyr

On Travel Adventures

Steen Steensen Blicher

Steen Steensen Blicher [Danish author and poet, +1848]

Tryggve Andersen

Tryggve Andersen [Norwegian novelist and poet, +1920]

Vineta. Festskrift til Thomas Mann

Vineta [mythical Baltic city]. Celebratory Letter to Thomas Mann [German-American novelist and Nobel Laureate]

The use of herbs in Norwegian households

Syttende mai 1945

The Seventeenth of May, 1945

7. juni 1905

The Seventh of Juni, 1905

Her er skjedd store forandringer

Big Changes Happened Here

That Christian forgiveness angle


In memoriam Ronald Fangen

In memoriam Ronald Fangen [novelist, playwrite and literary critic]

Til Olsok-fest

To Olsokfest [national and religious feast day marking the death of St Olav]

Tale ved avdukingen av minnesmerke over falne i Gudbrandsdalen og Lillehammer

Speech at the Unveiling of the Monument to the Fallen in the Gudbrandsdal and Lillehammer

Dette er ikke en tid for Pollyannaer

This is No Time for Pollyannas

Tore Ørjasæter

Tore Ørjasæter [Norwegian educator and poet, +1968]

Books in Northern Europe



Ingeborg Møller: De Tolv Apostlers Sagaer

The Sagas of the Twelve Apostles, by Ingeborg Møller

Amerikansk valfart

American Welfare


The Seas

Under julens stjerne

Beneath the Christmas Star

Mgr. dr. Karl Otto Kjelstrup

Monsignor Dr Karl Kjelstrup [Parish Priest of Hamar, Norway]

Hvorfor jeg skrev

Why I Wrote

I. J. Kapstein: Litt av en helt

A Bit of a Hero, by I.J. Kapstein [American novelist and Hebrew scholar, +1983]

Arsenikk og altervin

Arsenic and Altar Wine

Willa Cather

Willa Cather [American novelist, +1947]

Sigurd Christiansen in memoriam

Sigurd Christiansen, in memoriam [Norwegian novelist and playwrite]

Tysk og Norsk

German and Norwegian

Guds skjønne døtre

God’s Beautiful Daughters

Russerne avgjør det selv

The Russians Decide for Themselves


Det kan ikke nytte å ville motarbeide russerfrykten

There’s no Point in Countrering Russian Fears

De som så faren i øynene

Those who Looked the Father in the Eyes

De gode gjerninger

Good Deeds

Omkring Abrahams offer

On the Sacrifice of Abraham

Brorskapets religion

The Religion of Fraternity

Den eldste julestemning

The Oldest Christian Spirit


Kristendom og seksualitet

Christianity and Sexuality

Folkegaven til Johan Falkberget

The People’s Gift to Johan Falkberget

Helgener beveger verden

Saints Move the World

Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke [Irish philosopher and parliamentarian, +1797]


En bok som ble et vendepunkt i mitt liv

A Book that was a Turning Point in my Life

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